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Silesian University of Technology

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Department of Power Electronics, Electrical Drives and Robotics

Hexor II - mobile robot made at our departmentThe department of Power Electronics, Electrical Drives and Robotics, KENER, realizes two main tasks, education and research, that are tightly coupled resulting in firm basis for the highest quality education.

Department undertakes basic and applied research that is built into world's RTD (Research and Technological Development) system. RTD projects are undertaken in cooperation with Polish, European and World universities, research centers and industry.

The strong, flexible RTD and teaching potential allowing undertaking new challenging projects has been built in the Department. We can undertake RTD projects in the field of power electronics, industrial electronics, power electronic drives, EMC, superconductivity applications, electrotechnology, electroheat and mobile robots.

Department offers the contemporary and modern theoretical and practical knowledge that allows graduates to find significant place in the society. There is opportunity for realising B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. individual studies in Electrical Engineering and in Electronics and Telecommunications.